The Voyage
The Voyage
If you look long enough,
If you search long enough,
there’s a chance you will end up feeling lost
looking for yourself
Trying to find yourself
Where did you put y o u r s e l f ?
And if you think a mirror will be of help
I say ...don’t let it f o o l you
A reflection is an image
distorted by the mind
A virtual representation
of s e l f
Maybe a virtual reality of our own
M a k i n g.
To look for self
One has to explore within
A place where no mirror can help.
To find one self is to loose oneself
To release ideas we hold ,
To emancipate from installed dogmas,
To leave memories untouched,
To even forget of our corporeal vessel,
To let go of e v e r y t h i n g ... Until
Our own Muteness speaks loud
Truth from our unknowable essence finding its own way back to us.
A collision of understanding
Giving up all sense of power
to just grasp and hold softly
Even if just for some seconds
Wi t h i n our bodies
Our own true selves.
The magic of finding what you can never cage , what you can never permanently hold ... that magic that you only find when you l o o s e it all.